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Benefits Of Space Saving

Cost Efficiency

Space saving involves thinking about how to best use our limited resources, and in turn the best use of space.  (see also free ebook on “24 ways decluttering can save you money”). For areas in which space is limited and expensive, the use of space saving strategies can allow us to live and work in an optimised envelope, in places with higher amenity and convenience.  It can free up space for other uses like the housing of another person, or pet or even another home business.


In an decluttered environment where everything has its place, there is more available space for other functions.  An example is dining area that can turn to a work area, or rearranged to become a buffet / platter area for a gathering or function.  Furniture that can be extended, folded, slid or easily lifted away offer many opportunities for different uses.

We have an open central space free of furniture in the home where kids read on the floor, play games, read books, day napping and engage in friendly wrestling matches, all of which would not be achievable if we had a fully kitted out lounge set.

Focus on quality

As our family has grown and moved through several life stages, we realise that we have definitely grown in the quantity of material items for shelf storage, miscellaneous storage and bulk storage.  

Surprisingly we have rarely bought additional furniture, and if we do, we are careful about selecting quality pieces that have good function and quality, and are not unnecessarily bulky.  We have discarded poorly selected and bulky furniture items for more elegant pieces that includes integrated storage.  

This will allow our family to flexibly move to other locations if required, and make us less dependant on having to live in a large family home.

Make items more easily accessible

A built in wardrobe with accompanying miscellaneous storage allows everything to have its place, and made more accessible.  Every shelf, box, drawer and hanger groups items by category, saving time in trying to find them.

Improve comfort, productivity and satisfaction

Most people move into places and then work out how to fit their stuff in it.  We were fortunate to have the opportunity to think through storage items and integrate storage into the home from the early stages of design to construction.  

Although this is not always possible (and not everyone), these storage ideas have allowed clear kitchen work benches, clear work desks, clear vanities and so on.  We find this allows a good base to start and end activities, tasks and chores and even switch between them more seamlessly. This allows us to complete tasks more effectively and quickly, and also allows us to pack up and maintain the space more easily.

Space saving and organisation

Space saving is a process.  Its looking at how you currently live and seeing how you can use your space better.  As our requirements change over time this can be reevaluated over time. Space saving encourages better organisation, and doing things in a more streamlined and stress free way.

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