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What Is Minimalism And What Does It Lead to?

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Owning fewer possessions

Minimalism involves curbing excess possessions, and living only with what you need.  Some people set a target number of possessions, and constantly refine their lifestyle to bring this number down.


The materialistic culture leads to thoughtlessness regarding possessions, and a selfish spirit that relates poorly with neighbours.  Reducing the number of possessions is not a natural decision to make, amidst a consumer culture. Minimalism brings to the forefront the decisions on what we need and what we use.

Freedom from passion to possess

Some people have their identity and self worth rooted in their possessions.  They have the passion to compare and covet with their neighbours on the latest gadget, car, holidays or home.  Minimalism treats every discarded possession as a burden lifted. Minimalism treats less reliance on possessions as freedom.

Freedom from modern mania

There have been movements that have shared, or lived on less possessions.  Minimalism is a reaction to the modern ideals of excess and overconsumption.  

Freedom from duplicity

Minimalism leads to less wasted possessions, efforts and resources.  It takes out everything that was redundant in lift, and simplifies routine, tasks, locations and things.

Counter cultural

Minimalism sees issue with the current culture, and wants to break free from it.  It’s subscribers can be seen as dedicated, vocal and fanatical.

Not external but internal

As it involves a mental shift to result in lifestyle changes, minimalism very much starts from within.  The mindset is required for the commitment and dedication that minimalism requires

Completely achievable

Although the movement encourages a very scaled back life, minimalism self reflects and encourages new adherents that it is achievable

Limits to minimalism

Although minimalism aspires to freedom from lifestyle changes, that can lead to a different void, lacking in the same purpose and direction the person started in.  Christians would believe that freedoms can only be found in Christ, and relief not in what we do, but in what Christ has done for us, when he sacrificed himself on the cross, leading to forgiveness of sins, eternal hope and salvation

What minimalism can lead to

Minimalism questions many things about possessions, and proposes freedoms from curbing excess, redefining what is treasure and being counter cultural.  Minimalism works towards something, but ultimate joy and happiness can be found in Christ. A Christian take on minimalism trusts in his provision, leads a life of a good steward and loving the people around us, proclaiming the good news along the way.


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